Fight Fatigue
Wake-up Call: Fight Fatigue at Its Roots Are these ordinary signs of aging? Exhausted throughout the day, joy in life slowly diminishing, active lifestyle becoming a distant memory. No, no and no. Feeling tired all the time is not a normal part of the aging process. Instead, it can point to the need for a... The post
Fighting Fatigue
Wake-up Call: Fighting Fatigue at Its Roots Feel like you are fighting fatigue throughout the day, the joy in life slowly diminishing and your active lifestyle becoming a distant memory? Are these ordinary signs of aging? No, no and no! Feeling tired all the time is not a normal part of the aging pr
Why Today’s Health News Often Becomes Tomorrow’s Retractions
Handle with Care: Why Today’s Health News Often Becomes Tomorrow’s Retractions We’ve all seen it played out hundreds of times, as a dr
Health Studies: Expert Insight
Why Today’s Health News Often Becomes Tomorrow’s Retractions We’ve all seen it played out hundreds of times, as a drug, food or habit is trumpeted as the way to lower the risk of cancer or heart disease only to be walked back the next month in another study. The reasons can be diverse, i
Staying Healthy During the Flu Season
Your Best Shot at a Flu-Free Winter Last year’s flu season was severe in most parts of the country and left many wondering why the flu vaccine hadn’t performed more effectively. However, it remains our best line of defense for averting and lessening the severity of this common but pote
A Flu-Free Winter: Your Best Shot
Take Your Best Shot for a Flu-Free Winter Last year’s flu season was severe in most parts of the country
Aging Well, Aging Healthy…a continuing series
HealthWise presents an ongoing look at research that provides valuable insights to help today’s seniors – and the generations set to follow – create a vibrant next chapter. We have looked at strategies to keep the aging brain healthy and to protect the aging senses. In this issue, we get under your skin to
Stressed Out? A Guide to Signs, Symptoms
“I think that you will all agree that we are living in most interesting times. I never remember myself a time in which our history was so full, in which day by day brought us new objects of interest, and, let me say also, new objects for anxiety.” Was the above heard: 1. At a... The post
The Connected Patient: Keeping Up with Apps
The ubiquitous smart phone has boosted its useful- ness tenfold in the past decade with a mushrooming library of health and wellness apps. Some aim to help you monitor your condition day-to-day, understand and stay on track with medications, or diagnose your symptoms, while others prepare you for an unforeseen emergency, allow you to share... The post
Gut Instincts: Can More Bacteria Mean Better Health?
Healthy bacteria may seem like a contradiction in terms, but years of research and real world experience point toward an unexpectedly promising finding: the microorganisms continually forming in your intestine may confer health benefits that we are only just beginning to understand. Here is what we know: each of us has an individual set of... The post