Patient News

Age of Innocence – Or Anxiety for Today’s Kids? From loud claps of thunder to dogs that can bite, a child’s world is filled with new, sometimes scary experiences. However, if fears can’t be managed with reassurance or distraction and persistently interfere with daily activities, your child may have an anxiety disorder. These most common […]

In Real Life (IRL), Can We Protect Teens from the Emotional Impact of Social Media? YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, X, Reddit, BeReal. A majority of American teens visit these social media platforms at least once daily, and 30% say they are on them almost constantly. Their ubiquity is unquestionable, and teens’ connection with […]

The First Hundred Years: Healthy Longevity May Ultimately Define the Future Humankind has eternally searched for the fabled fountain of youth. While we suspect that a magical elixir to turn back time may never be discovered, in 2023 we are coming ever closer to a more achievable goal: using scientific breakthroughs to slow the process […]